Friday, February 16, 2007

Not Real Aliyah yet

Hello and welcome to:

Seraphya’s Aliyah.

I still have not yet opened a tik aliyah, but I am on the airplane that will bring me to Israel permanently. I am in Hong Kong, a hub of international ship and air traffic. All paths lead to Israel eventually, but some paths are more direct and faster than others. Although I might later make Aliyah wit Nefesh B’nefesh from America, or make Aliyah from Israel, I consider this flight my return home.

I left Sydney for the last time as a ben hutz laaretz, maybe one day I shall return on Shlichut. Bnei Akiva gave me a farewell at Seudah Shlishit that I will never forget. I know some people think they have said goodbye to galut for the last time, but eventually find themselves back I the fray and mundane life of the Diaspora. I am not worried about this happening to me, I have no place to return to(never end your sentences with prepositions by the way). I think the best time to make aliyah is for university, for many reasons. First and foremost, you see many people who plan to make aliyah for many years, some in the end do, and some don’t, but putting aliyah off off and setting down roots, is a sure way to get stuck. Secondly, most people need to improve their Hebrew after having lived with Laaz for so long, you brain learns languages better when it is younger and the university years are the final cut-off for most people being bale to learn a language with ease. Thirdly, you are planning to work in Israel; So you want to get the training in Israel; Israel has good universities. Oh, and you get free university when you make aliyah.

I arrived safely in Eretz Yisrael at Ben Gurion Airport. While waiting for my luggage I charged my phone and went online with the free wireless at the airport terminal. I had Shekel in my pocket, an Israeli phone with a sim car, I felt like I was arriving without a worry. I told my family which I had just left 24 hours ago that I was fine and headed for a sherut to Jerusalem. I ended up in one where the 9 other people spoke French and barely spoke Hebrew, but I was on the phone and it was nice to know that people are coming to Israel in general. It’s time for me to check out Nefesh B’Nefesh. There are so many different little technicalities and options, so I am hoping they can help me through them

The directions they give to their office is a good example of how something seemingly so simple suddenly gets complicated.

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